首页 > 问卷模板 > 活动-教育 > 国外留学生生活调查问卷


  • 时间:2019-09-08 22:37:28 引用:99336次 阅读:203100次


1. 您来到中国几年了?(You come to China a few years?) [单选题] *    
2. 毕业后您有什么打算?(What ar eyou going to do after you graduate?) [单选题] *    
3. 您觉得您的汉语水平如何?(How do you think your Chinese level?) [单选题] *    
4. 您觉得您的汉语水平较之前在国内时有无大幅度提升?(What do you think of your Chinese level significantly [单选题] *    

5. 您觉得造成您汉语水平无法提升的原因有哪些?(What do you think what are the cause of your Chinese level cannot ascend?) [多选题] *    

6. 您的中国朋友多吗?(Do you have a lot of Chinese friends?) [单选题] *    
7. 您希望和中国人做朋友吗?(Do you want to make friends with Chinese people?) [单选题] *    
8. 您对中国文化了解多吗?希望了解中国文化吗?(The more you know about Chinese culture? Do you want to know Chinese culture?) [单选题] *    

9. 您觉得在 华留学遇到的问题的原因有哪些?(While studying in China, what do you think what are the reasons to cause you inconvenience?)) [多选题] *    

10. 您认为在生活中哪方面的问题是让您比较困扰的?(What do you think what kind of questions in life is to make you more trouble?) [多选题] *    

11. 您来中国之后有出去旅游过吗?(After you come to China, have to travel to other places before?) [单选题] *    

12. 就你最近的一次在华旅游经历,您觉得存在什么问题?(You the latest travel experiences in China, what problems do you think?) [多选题] *    

13. 您希望在生活中能够多一些哪方面的便利?(What you want in life can be more convenient?) [填空题] *    

14. 您觉得是否有必要开设针对外国留学生的服务性机构?(What do you think is it necessary to set up service institutions for foreign students?) [单选题] *    
15. 如果有这样一个机构,您是否愿意为此支付部分费用?(If there is such a body, whether you are willing to pay the fees?) [单选题] *    

